Gotr all over europe
this is a petition to show the band how many fans would like to see them performing but can't because of the limited countries they chose to visit this year.
This petition was made to show our deception about the fact that Ghost of the robot choose to limit at 3 countries their european tour. They have numerous fans in France and Italy. But also in other countries. We totally understand that the band doesn't have a lot of time or money to put in their tour but every year they should at least alternate the countries they visit for the pleasure of all their fans.
Ghost of the robot hanno limitato il loro tour europeo a 3 paesi. Loro hanno numerosi fans in Francia e in Italia. Ma anche in altri paesi. Noi capiamo completamente che la band non ha molto tempo o soldi da mettere nel loro tour ma ogni anno potrebbero alternare i paesi da visitare per il piacere di tutti i loro fans.
Nous avons crée cette petition pour montrer notre mécontentement sur le fait que Ghost of the robot a choisi de limiter sa tournée européenne à trois pays.Ils ont un nombre important de fans en France et en Italie et dans d'autres pays. Nous comprenons tout à fait que le groupe n'ai pas forcément le temps ou l'argent pour se rendre dans tous les pays. Mais une alternance entre les pays d'une année sur l'autre pourrait éventuellement satisfaire leurs fans.
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