Make Sure Everyone Gets Proper Diabetes Care

The CDC has found that minorities -- Latinos, African Americans, Asian American, Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander, and American Indians and Alaskan Natives -- have the highest incidence of diabetes. Minority groups also suffer disproportionately from the complications of diabetes, like blindness, amputations and even death.

It's still unclear why some communities are at higher risk for diabetes and its complications -- but a bill passed by the House of Representatives would help answer these questions, as well as enhance public education, support culturally appropriate health promotion and prevention programs, and and improve diabetes treatment in affected populations.

But the Senate has yet to take action. Urge the Senate to pass the Eliminating Disparities in Diabetes Prevention Access and Care Act before this Congress expires and make sure everyone gets the diabetes care they need.
Dear [Decision Maker],

As your constituent, I am asking you to support the Eliminating Disparities in Diabetes Prevention Access and Care Act (S 844).

This bill will promote research, treatment and education regarding diabetes in minority populations.

[Your comments will be added here.]

Diabetes disproportionately impacts minority communities. If current trends continue, one in three children born after 2000 will develop diabetes during their lifetime -- for minority populations, that number is nearly one in two. We must change this in the future.

In addition, the complications of diabetes - such as blindness, amputations, end-stage kidney disease and death - are impacting minority groups at alarming rates. Researchers don't know all the reasons why some communities are at higher risk for diabetes and its complications - and that needs to change. If we are going to stop diabetes, we must improve treatment and research in the communities most impacted by this disease.
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