Call to Action! Demand A stop to the inhumane trapping and violent beheading of ringneck doves now!

  • af: michaele lee
  • mottagare: Animal advocates, conservationists,

Maverick Trailer sales, and mainly, the company manager, who lives on site, installs several bird traps at the business to trap ringneck doves, (Eurasian Collared Doves). After trapping the birds, he takes the trap over to the nearest dumpster where he violently tears their heads off with his hands and throws their bloody bodies and heads into the trash. Witnesses say hes been doing this twice a day for several years.

We have notified Animal Control, the Police, PETA, Nevada Voters for Animals, Commissioners, the Secretary of State, and more all with the same response, or no response at all. We have been repeatedly told by authorties that pigeons & ringneck doves (Eurasian collared doves) are invasive species, also known as pests, not protected under the migratory bird act & that quick manual decapitation is a legal form of "humane euthanasia".

Bird's in traps panic and injure themselves in the struggle to be free. Imagine you are trapped with your family. Then a man appears, reaches in and grabs one of you. You are terrified, but for a moment you think you are about to be free. Then your heart sinks as you see your family member violently beheaded and thrown into the dumpster like they never mattered. Panic returns when you realize that you and the rest of your family are next. Your final moments are sadness, panic, fear, pain, then darkness, with your final resting place a smelly trash can!

No living creature deserves this. Please help us stop this! We really want to get a state agency to step in and stop this. This is not hunting! He's not even eating them. He is trapping them in inhumane cages by feeding them and then viciously ripping their heads off. This seems to be a cruel fetish more than anything else. We are hoping one of the aforementioned state agencies will get involved and stop this horrible cruelty. By signing this petition we are hoping to get these birds recognized as being introduced species instead of invasive species so they are not seen as pests! These birds are living creatures and they have value as such. Certainly more than trash! 

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