Demand that Dr. Walter James Palmer be expedited to Zimbabwe for the illegal poaching of Cecil the l

Cecil was lured off a National Park onto a private farm for the sold purpose of killing a favorite lion with tourists a black main for a trophies in Dr. Palmer collection of big game.

Dr. Walter James Palmer of Minnesota went to Zembabwe for the purpose of hunting a lion as a trophie for his big games collection.  Acording to Dr. Palmer he hired Theo Bronkhorst, a local professional hunter, to oftain all the permits etc. for him to bow hunt a lion in the Gwayi Conservancy.  Dr. Palmer was sucessiful in his hunt, putting an arrow in a beauiful black main 13 year old lion and after tracking it for approx. 40 hours from reports the lion was then shot to kill it. At this time it was discovered that the lion was wearing a GPS Tracking collar and Mr. Bronkhorst said that he would inform the proper authority's, the lion was beheaded and skinned.  Dr. Palmer paid 35,000 pounds or appox. $50,000 for the successful hunt.

According to the news reports from the Zimbabwe Conservation Tast Force the lion that Dr. Palmer killed was Cecil the lion a well known and much loved black mained iconic lion that was part of a conservation study.  They go on to say that Cecil was lured out of the park with prey and that Mr. Bronkhorst tried unsuccessful to hide the GPS  Collar.  The Gwayi Conservancy, Hwange District of Zimbabwe is charging both Mr. Theo Bronkhorst, the professional hunter hired by Dr. Palmer and Antoinette Farms where Cecil was shot with Criminal Poaching for not having permits for a hunt and not having a permit to take a lion both with a prison term of between two to five years. 

I must take Dr. Palmer word that he wasn,t aware of the illegal hunt but given Dr. Palmer history a hunting animals around the world with posted photo's of animals on the endangered list like Rhino's I feel that the Dept. of Justic should look into this matter.  Also with the resent law making it illegal to import Elephant trophies into the U.S. and the considerable embarrassment of an American toutist in this matter I believe that Dr. Palmer should not be allowed to import Cecil into this country and that Cecil be retured to the Zimbabwe Conservation Tast Force.

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