Congress: Don't Cut Funds For Clean Water Protection!

The federal government provides critical funding to programs that protect our rivers, wildlife and the places they call home. But through the Interior EPA Appropriations Bill, Congress would slash America's clean water funding and give a helping hand to big polluters.
If this bill is passed, it will be a giant step back for America's water quality and actually benefit polluters by reducing enforcement and blocking new pollution rules. Clean water funds will be cut from $1.5 billion to $689 million and drinking water funds will drop from $919 to $829 million -- all in just one year.
The bill won't just affect our precious drinking water. Economic and ecological consequences in the wake of this bill will set us back decades. The wetlands that so many species call home will be threatened, and the resulting health effects and pollution cleanup from this bill could cost communities.
Don't put our clean water at risk! Tell Congress to vote NO on the House Interior-EPA Appropriations Bill!
Prioritizing America's waters, streams, and rivers is the only option -- as all Americans depend on clean drinking water every day.
Passing the House Interior-EPA Appropriations Bill for FY2013 is bad to our health and our ecosystems. The bill slashes essential funding for clean water, and makes the very water that we fill our glasses with subject to corporate polluters' special interests.
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Don't put our safety and health at risk to benefit big polluters. Vote NO on the bill which cuts clean water protections.
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