Save Darfur - Stop the Genocide Now!
On an average day in Darfur, tens of thousands of innocent civilians face the threat of torture, starvation, rape, and uprooting from their homes, families, and livelihoods.
Already hundreds of thousands have died in an ongoing conflict they cannot control.
But we can help stop the killing and the hell the living victims must endure. And we must, because we cannot stand by while a genocide occurs.
When President Bush came into office he wrote of the devastating 1994 genocide in Rwanda: "Not on my watch."
But right now in Darfur millions have been uprooted and hundreds of thousands killed systematically by an armed militia the very type of genocide President Bush pledged to stop.
We must hold him to his promise.
We need your voice today to urge President Bush to take action now, before it is too late.
Dear President Bush,
During your first year in the White House, you wrote in the margins of a report on the Rwandan genocide, "Not on my watch."
I urge you to live up to those words by using the power of your office to support a stronger multinational force to protect the civilians of Darfur, Sudan.
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