Demand Busch Gardens Modify their Disabled Ride Accessibility Program

    Busch Gardens theme parks has a ride accessibility program to help disabled guests enjoy their theme parks. However, their policy requires patrons to visit their Guest Services desk EACH visit (even if they came yesterday), resulting in wait times approaching one hour on a busy day. Once there patrons are required to wear a wristband with the universal disabled logo, so that every guest in the park can see they have a disability. This step is unnecessary as the park also requires the patron to carry a paper to hand to ride attendants. While the above may not seem like an issue, it further creates a barrier between the disabled and abled bodied world by singling out disabled patrons, branding them, and making them a burden on their friends/family by having to wait each time they visit the park, while able bodied guests are free to enter the park and partake of its amenities as soon as they arrive.
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