Tell the Canadian Government to Increase Funding for Dementia Research

Dementia is a devastating disease that affects millions of people around the world, including many Canadians. It is a progressive condition that causes memory loss, cognitive decline, and difficulty with everyday tasks. It can be extremely difficult for those with dementia, as well as their families and caregivers.

Despite the enormous impact of dementia on society, funding for research into this disease has lagged behind other areas of medical research. We believe that it is time for this to change. By investing in dementia research, we can work towards finding treatments and eventually a cure for this devastating disease.

The Alzheimer Society Research Program (ASRP) is the only Canadian non-governmental organization that funds research exclusively on dementia. Our commitment to people-centered care means that our research process engages people living with dementia to ensure that our research will genuinely improve their quality of life.

Dementia will continue to be a growing issue in Canada, with the number of people living with some form of dementia projected to triple over the next 30 years. If current trends continue, all regions of the country will see a dramatic increase in the number of people with dementia and the demands placed on care partners. Fortunately, we have recently seen advancements in medication, proving that there is hope to slow the progression of this disease, if the proper resources are allocated toward it.

Please sign and urge the Canadian government to increase funding for dementia research. By taking this action, we can improve the lives of those affected by dementia and make a difference in the fight against this disease.
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