Support Clean Energy for a Greener Future

Soaring fuel costs, the exploding population, and the environmental devastation caused by fossil fuels: these are just a few of the reasons that developing clean, renewable sources of energy is one of the most urgent issues facing humanity.
So why are we shortchanging the research we need to create clean-energy solutions?
If we commit to a global effort to harness the power of solar, wind, biofuel, and other clean energy sources by employing the best minds and investing in research, renewable energy could challenge fossil fuels within a decade.
Researchers at the Weizmann Institute of Science understand that clean fuel is not a dream, but a life-or-death necessity. That's why they work every day to turn a clean-energy future into a clean-energy present. However, they - and other innovative scientists around the world - can only succeed if the global community joins them in making sustainable energy a top priority.
Add your name in support of a movement toward renewable energy solutions.
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