Donald Trump Is Supported by a Lobbying Group That Keeps Wages Low and Denies Sick Leave for Workers. His Stunt of "Working" at a McDonald's Was Hollow and Insulting.

  • af: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: The National Restaurant Association
Donald Trump's recent visit to a McDonald's in Pennsylvania was nothing more than a publicity stunt that deeply insulted working-class Americans and their active struggles -- struggles that will no doubt be magnified if he is elected president.

Sign the petition if you want to see workers' rights actually addressed and elevated, like an increased minimum wage and guaranteed sick leave! No more empty gestures from Trump or his cronies.

While pretending to work in the kitchen of a closed McDonald's, Trump seemingly made a single batch of fries, requiring help from multiple employees while dodging relevant questions about policies that affect those very employees' livelihoods.

When asked about raising the minimum wage, which remains a dismal $7.25/hour in Pennsylvania and at the federal level, Trump did as Trump does -- said a bunch of words that added up to absolutely no meaningful plan for helping the American people.

"It's a beautiful thing to see these are great franchises and produce a lot of jobs and it's great. And great people work in here too." Empty, nonsensical compliments don't pay the bills, Mr. Trump.

Voters have shown overwhelming support for increasing the minimum wage; the fact that Trump cannot commit to a new $15 standard is bleak indeed, and should signal that he is unfit to hold office (you know, on top of the dozens of felonies and other egregious abuses he has committed both as president and just as a person).

The National Restaurant Association (NRA), a powerful lobbying group that represents nearly half a million restaurants in the United States, opposes raising the minimum wage. Obviously, then, they also support Donald Trump for president. The NRA's actions towards workers are absolutely abysmal, and it should scare us that Trump is aligned with the association. For example, the NRA has fought long and hard against guaranteed sick leave for restaurant workers. Workers are therefore forced to work through being sick with the flu, COVID-19, or myriad other illnesses and injuries, putting them and consumers at risk!

Together, the NRA and Trump want to maintain the status quo that benefits corporations at the expense of the very workers they claim to represent and value.

We must tell the NRA that the world is watching. Sign the petition demanding the NRA finally put workers first; the association must support a federal minimum wage of $15/hour and guaranteed sick leave for all workers!
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