Help SAVE the Meriden Humane Society

A new proposal from the city of Meriden could force the Humane Society to give up 1700 sq ft of critical space. Sign to help us save our Humane Society!

Dear Council Member,

We are writing today with deep concern regarding the proposed partnership with Hope Clinic, Saving Paws, and Meriden Animal Control. While partnering with a low-cost health clinic for the betterment of animals appears to be an excellent idea for the community, we are concerned about the part of the proposal that designates over 1,700 sq ft of current Meriden Humane Society (MHS) building space for use in the plan. 

Meriden Humane Society is one of the only no-kill shelters in the state of Connecticut and takes no state or city dollars to provide its service. We have seen firsthand their service to animals in the forms of rescues, adoptions, rehabilitating ill and abused animals, and their vast trap-neuter-release (TNR) programs, in addition to their offering animal food, supplies, and assistance to low-income Meriden residents. The space proposed for the clinic would take over a room dedicated to small dogs, an isolation area (which is crucial in ensuring new and unknown animals are not allowed to spread communicable diseases to other animals), and a storage/supply area. 

Our concern is that the new plan, while seemingly offering a new service for animals in Meriden, may really be trading one important service for another with no net gain. If MHS lost space and resources to do its work, surely the animal control system would be further taxed in the process, thus defeating the purpose of an additional service and resulting in increased cost to the city. 
We are asking that before an agreement is reached, careful consideration be given to the existing services of the building. We only ask that the City of Meriden partner with the Meriden Humane Society to ensure that there is no interruption of their existing services. We are certain that a compromise can be reached which would allow MHS the space it needs, along with the city providing the clinic that would benefit so many animals and pet owners. 

MHS has been the voice of the voiceless for so many years, and has had a huge impact on all of us in the community…We need your voice, so that MHS can continue in their mission to ensure all lives matter. Please stand with us, and help the City of Meriden to find an alternative solution to the current proposal. 

Your Community
Opdater #18 år siden
Update: We are still currently in negotiations with the Town regarding the usage of space at 311 Murdock Ave. We have previously submitted 3 proposals for the space, and are waiting on the town’s final decision. We remain committed to serving the community and the voiceless animals within it. We are encouraging those who cannot make the Town Council meetings, to please send a letter to each of the City Councilors. Thank you for your continued support. Love, MHS Staff & Volunteers
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