Istanbul: Stop the mass killings of 200.000 dogs

  • af: Family Dr. Ellger
  • mottagare: To Prime Minister Davutoğlu, To President Erdogan and To Ambassador Hüseyin Avni Karslıoğlu

Shortly a gigantic extermination camp for dogs will become operative in Istanbul. Until they are killed 20.000 animals will be kept there under the worst conditions. Gradually approximately 200.000 stray dogs, which live on the streets of Istanbul, shall be killed cruelly in this death camp. Two crematories are affiliated.

Without being able to move, the scared dogs will be pounded in tiny cells of half a square metre. There will be no protection against cold and the sun - no veterinary care... The helpless animals will be forced to vegetate in their feces until they starve to death, perish by thirst or illnesses, devour themselves mutually or will be burned in the crematories.

To catch animals on a large scale and put them in so called “shelters” in order to kill them is no solution of the “stray problem” and in addition more expansive than the “trap, neuter, release” method.

The only effective solution to reduce the number of homeless cats and dogs is a consequent and extensive neutering program. This implies, that the animals will be brought back to their well-known habitat after castration and veterinary care and that they will also be taken care of afterwards. This method is also recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Please support this petition and summon the supreme Turkish and Istanbul politicians to stop the cruel and useless killing of street animals and instead of that start a humanitarian protection of animals in terms of a neutering program.

Dear Prime Minister Davutoğlu!

Dear President Erdogan!

Dear Ambassador Hüseyin Avni Karslıoğlu!

Shortly a brand new gigantic “animal shelter” will be opened in Istanbul. But this is no ordinary animal shelter. Until they are killed 20.000 animals will be kept there under the worst conditions. Gradually approximately 200.000 stray dogs, which live on the streets of Istanbul, shall be killed cruelly in this death camp. Two crematories are affiliated.

Without being able to move, the scared dogs will be pounded in tiny cells of half a square metre. There will be no protection against cold and the sun - no veterinary care... The helpless animals will be forced to vegetate in their feces until they starve to death, perish by thirst or illnesses, devour themselves mutually or will be burned in the crematories.

To catch animals on a large scale and put them in so called  “shelters” in order to kill them is no solution of the “stray problem” and in addition more expansive than the “trap, neuter, release” method. The only effective solution to reduce the number of homeless cats and dogs is a consequent and extensive neutering program. This implies, that the animals will be brought back to their well-known habitat after castration and veterinary care and that they will also be taken care of afterwards. This method is also recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO)

These animals are living and feeling creatures and part of Creation in religion.

Dear Prime Minister Davutoğlu! Dear President Erdogan! Dear Ambassador Hüseyin Avni Karslıoğlu!

We appeal to you to stop the cruel and useless killing of street animals and instead of that start a humanitarian protection of animals in terms of a neutering program. Please avoid this tragedy.

Sincerely, [Your name] [Your custom comments will also be sent to the supreme Turkish and Istanbul politicians] (Prime Minister) (President) (Ambassador) And all involved politicians: (Mr. Veysel Eroğlu) (Mr. Ahmet Özyanik) (Mr. Özcan Yaman) (Mr. Bimer) (Mr. Bilgi Edinme) (Mr. Başkana Mesaj) (Turkish Consulate General)

Opdater #59 år siden
Today is the last day to sign our petition! Please share and encourage people to sign as much as possible. Tomorrow we will send it to all the supreme Turkish and Istanbul politicians.
Thank you to everyone who has signed and shared!
Opdater #49 år siden
200.000 stray dogs in istanbul, shall be killed cruelly in this death camp.
Thanks so much for signing the Care2 petition urging the supreme Turkish
and Istanbul politicians to stop the cruel and useless killing of street animals. 

Almost 17.260 signatures! But we need much more to reach our 25.000 signatures goal.
Help it reach dozens more signature by sharing the petition via email, facebook, tweet, social forums...

Thanks again for your help!
Opdater #39 år siden
We would like to inform you, that we reportet the animal abus in Istanbul
amongst others to PETA, INTERPOL, WEEAC and other ANIMAL WELFARE

We hope the world wide report and support will help to STOP ANIMAL CRUELTY IN ISTANBUL/ TURKEY.

Please Continue to Sign and Share petition for a better place FOR ANIMALS. Thank You all!
Opdater #29 år siden
Thanks to all of you. We've got 14,973 signatures.
Please Continue to Sign and Share the petition so that we will reach our 25,000 signature goal -
to attract a great deal of attention!

I take this petition very seriously and will get it to all the supreme Turkish and Istanbul politicians to stop the cruel and useless killing of street animals.

Thanks again for your help!
Opdater #19 år siden
With your help we´ve got 10,501 signatures.
But this is nowhere near enough to attract a great deal of attention by giving this petition to the supreme Turkish and Istanbul politicians.

Help it reach dozens more signature by sharing the petition via email, facebook, tweet, social forums.....

Thank you!
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