Marking Vegetarian Products

Request That USA Companies Clearly Mark Food, Cosmetic & Body Care Items as Either Vegan or Vegetarian on Their Products if they are free of animal ingredients.


We are requesting the food, cosmetic and body care companies to voluntarily indicate on their products if they contain any animal by-products at all, that they do not contain animal ingredients except for dairy and egg products or that they do not contains any meat, fish or egg products or whether they are vegan or vegetarian.


Various companies mark their products as Halal or Kosher so why do they not indicate whether their products are vegetarian when millions of people in the USA have this as their extremely strong religious and personal beliefs


For hundreds of millions of people around the world and for millions of people in the USA it is either their strong personal belief or their religious conviction to be a vegetarian and restrict themselves from meat, fish or eggs. Therefore it would be only common decency for US companies to clearly indicate on their products whether they are free of these products. In some countries in the world such as England food companies clearly indicate that they are vegetarian, so should not also US companies follow this compassionate path.


Also we request food, cosmetic, and body care companies to not  indirectly lie to potential customers about the ingredients in their products by stating that they do not know what is in their products exactly, that it is not required by the FDA that they state what natural flavorings are, or that they cannot tell you if a product is vegetarian or not because of proprietary rights to protect the ingredients of their products. It is actually best for companies to be totally honest about which of their products are free of animal ingredient as any strict vegan  or vegetarian will immediately not eat any food that they are not sure of.


Also as many people have health problemes with meat, fish, egg and dairy products it would greatly help the public to know if these ingredient are in company products. Companies who hide these ingredients from the public or do not indicate these ingredients in their products because of technical rules should know that not only are they harming animals unnessarily but that they can often cause great health problems with human being.


On our website at we are clearly indicating what products are free from meat, fish, eggs and dairy and most companies give us this information honestly and sincerely, so it would be the next major step for food, cosmetic and body care product companies to clearly mark this on all their products.

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