Ask Candidates About Global Poverty in Debate

  • af: ONE (OLD)
  • mottagare: Jim Lehrer, Presidential Debate Moderator
Only two questions about global poverty have been asked in the history of modern presidential debates - a shockingly low figure for a problem that affects billions of people worldwide.

In 2008, voters need to know what Barack Obama and John McCain will do to end the most extreme suffering in our increasingly interconnected world. The world's poorest countries are in crisis, and we have a moral obligation to act. And extreme poverty and a lack of economic opportunities fuels desperation and instability, making it in the U.S.'s strategic interests to address global poverty.

Send a letter to debate moderator Jim Lehrer, urging him to ask "Just ONE Question" on global poverty at the first presidential debate, September 26, in Oxford, Mississippi.
Dear Mr. Lehrer,

At the presidential debate, please ask John McCain and Barack Obama just ONE question about their plans to fight global poverty.

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