A Hazardous Chemical Spill Has Put Thousands at Risk, Yet the Community Remains Dangerously Uninformed

  • af: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Kik Consumer Products

Recently, a massive chemical fire at BioLab in Georgia forced evacuations and spread a cloud of ominous black smoke over Rockdale County and beyond, affecting tens of thousands. As if a massive chemical cloud raining black debris wasn't concerning enough, residents are in the dark about what exactly is happening, and how much danger they are in. 

State lawmakers and public advocates have called for immediate and decisive action against BioLab, raising serious concerns about the disproportionate impact of dangerous pollution on communities of color in Rockdale County.

Sign the petition to demand the EPA to immediately shut down this facility, and demand KIK Consumer Products pay reparations to the residents exposed to these dangerous chemicals.

To make matters worse, this isn't the first time something like this has happened at the chemical plant – similar incidents occurred in 2004 and 2020, proving that BioLab's presence in this community is consistently dangerous. Even the state's former EPA Region 4 administrator criticized the situation highlighting the insufficient regulatory measures against "bad actors" like BioLab, which has been fined repeatedly for its lack of safety measures.

While many living close to the plant have evacuated, thousands of people are sheltering in place as recommended. Some people are noting the noxious effects felt both indoors and outdoors, raising concerns for their health. It is unclear what damage this toxic chemical will cause to residents and the environment, especially in the long-term.

This is not just a local issue; it is a stark example of the dangers and injustices that can occur when corporations and governments fail to protect their citizens. 

Sign the petition to demand the EPA take immediate action and shut down BioLab and ensure KIK Consumer Products make meaningful reparations.

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