Act Now to End Child Trafficking in the United States
They may have gone to school in your town or worked in your neighborhood. They may have even slept on a bench in your local park before they were stolen by traffickers.
Many people mistakenly believe that human trafficking only happens on foreign soil, but the painful truth is that trafficking is a monstrous issue in the United States.
In fact, more than 35,000 kids are at risk of being trafficked within the United States every year, many of them young children. And according to the U.S. Department of Justice, nearly 85% of victims in confirmed sex trafficking cases are U.S. citizens - mostly homeless kids.
We can change the statistics and abolish child trafficking, but we need to act now. Ask your Senator to make passing anti-trafficking legislation a priority. Vulnerable children across America can't wait.
Dear [Senator],
While often perceived as an international issue, American kids are being trafficked throughout our country every day. As a matter of fact, nearly 85% of confirmed sex trafficking victims are U.S. citizens - mostly runaway kids.
[Your comments will be added here]The statistics are tragic. More than 35,000 kids are at risk of being trafficked within the U.S. every year, many of them young children. Women who have been trafficked for the purpose of sexual exploitation experience tenfold risk of contracting HIV. Seventy-one percent of trafficked children show suicidal tendencies.
As Congress comes back in session, please take action to keep human trafficking from destroying any more lives. Make passing anti-trafficking legislation a priority.
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