Sunday Night Community Gathering/Drum Circle

  • af: Charis Gallaty
  • mottagare: City of Treasure Island, City of Treasure Island
To continue the free, family-oriented, drug-free, violence-free community gathering on Treasure Island Beach every Sunday night.
This petition is being created in support of the Treasure Island Drum Circle which has been occuring since March of 2001. This peaceful gathering of individuals and families from all walks of life is a celebration and a stress-reliever for many. All over the world, for as far back as there were communties and tribes, people have gathered together to strengthen their community through drum circles. There is no violence, no drugs... just a celebration of life and the music that transcends all cultures, creeds, languages, ages, professions, etc. Please support the right to gather together peacefully as a community on public land. The beach hours are until 1 am, and we respectfully cease drumming at 11pm. We do not leave litter...but we do leave a lasting impression. One of a peaceful and happy community that can come together to share in the beauty that is life.
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