Will You Give Up - or Stand and Fight?

It's official: America's President is a man who once tweeted that climate change is a hoax created by the Chinese. He has vowed to dismantle the EPA, has promised to kill America's first-ever national limits on the dangerous climate pollution spewing from our coal plants, and has pledged to undermine America's international leadership by pulling us out of the UN Paris Climate Agreement.

It would be easy to give up, to lose hope, and to walk away from the fight. But changing the world has never been easy—and with a dedicated activist force, we will not only fight back these attacks. We will fight for the clean energy future that Americans deserve. We will do everything in our power to persuade Mr. Trump that he should listen to the scientific experts on climate change and recognize that a clean energy transition is already underway. America's economic future depends on embracing this trend.

As we face the reality of Donald Trump's presidency, you have a choice to make: Will you back down? Or will you pledge to stand and fight?

Subject: I will not back down. 

Dear EDF, 

As we face a Trump presidency, I pledge to stand with you in your fight to climate action. I will strongly oppose any attempts to dismantle the crucial environmental protections already in place, and I will continue to fight for meaningful climate action at the local, state, federal, and even global level. 

Because we cannot give up. Our only option is to keep moving forward.

[Your comment]

In solidarity,
[Your name]

Opdater #18 år siden
Tomorrow (1/18/2017), President-elect Trump's pick to for EPA Administrator, Scott Pruitt, will face the Senate for his hearing. We need to make sure his questionable ethics are a part of the conversation. Activists like you have been phoning their senators to oppose President-elect Trump's pick to run the EPA — will you join them? Make the call before it's too late: Tell your Senators to question Pruitt's hazy ethics and oppose his nomination.
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