Support our complaint urging the NYS Attorney General to investigate the Mohonk Preserve, Friends of the Shawangunks and the Shawangunk Conservancy for land theft, fraud, conflicts of interest and other malfeasance.

    It is a sad abuse of public trust when membership dollars and donations are diverted from supporting the noble cause of park preservation, and instead those dollars used as a weapon to litigate generations of farms and private property owners off their land.

    It is a David vs Goliath unfair fight in court when a small land owner has to put up the farm to fight a deep pocket Land Trust. These land trusts have sued Pardini and Fink 6 times in 22 years using your donated dollars.

    A fair outcome in court is unlikely when Land Trusts lie. This case requires the help of the attorney general to investigate fraud and level the playing field.

    Sign this petition, because good people fight for what is right. See the latest article at Hudson Valley landowners 22-Year Battle Against New York Land Trusts and for more details.
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