This Man Adopted a Shelter Dog, Only to Behead Him the Next Day. Justice for Dexter!

  • af: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: Pinellas County Sheriff's Office
Shelter dogs are such special animals. They've faced hardship and bad luck, but all they want is another chance at love, a home of their own, and a happy life. That's exactly what Dexter the 4-year-old bulldog mix wanted, waiting patiently for someone to adopt him in the Florida shelter where he was being kept.

So Dexter must have been so excited when, recently, a man walked into the facility and picked Dexter out. He was going home!

But that man had horrible plans for Dexter, and just days later, Dexter's decapitated body was found in a local park.

Sign the petition demanding a lifetime ban on animal ownership and mandatory mental health counseling for the man who did this!

What his newly adopted owner did to Dexter was abominable. Dexter's body was found wrapped in plastic, and his head had been chopped off. Adding insult to injury, authorities believe this was done to Dexter the very next day after he had been adopted.

To walk into an animal shelter, tell the staff there you want to give a homeless dog a new home, and then subject that dog to such a violent death is a new, unimaginable level of cruelty. Dexter deserved to be loved and cared for, and this man stole that away from him in the most vile way.

Obviously, the person who did this is extremely unwell. That does not excuse this level of inhumanity, which is why it's imperative that he lose all access to future animals by receiving a lifetime ban on animal ownership. But what he also needs, deeply needs, is counseling for the reasons he decided to act out such violence.This man needs intensive therapy before he can be deemed safe.

We must raise our voices together for Dexter, whose life and voice were so cruelly cut off. Sign the petition demanding a ban on animal ownership and mandatory counseling for Dexter's murderer!
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