Demand the VA department of game and inland fisheries make a size and bag limit on crappie in Buggs island, Kerr reservoir
The rapid decline in the quality and numbers of the white and black crappie has become a large concern for the anglers of Kerr reservoir aka Buggs island lake. Fifteen years ago before the advances in chart plotting and sonar graph technology took off for the public the average size of crappie were 1.50lb and better with multiple 2 to 3 lb crappie caught weekly. The past few years of fishing have made it clear that with the fast growing numbers of anglers learning new effective methods of finding fish combined with the no bag limit or size limit for crappie has devastated the population. With a strongly enforced bag limit of 15 crappie 12 inches or longer per person per day will protect the population and regain the quality of crappie caught. Lake Grenada Mississippi has this size and bag limit and is the home of 3lb crappie and has anglers from across the country visiting all year. It's because of their adoption of a size and bag limit that a smaller lake that's nationally famous can hold the size and number of crappie that Kerr lake used to hold. This limit needs to be made law soon before the population of crappie in Kerr lake fall below fishable numbers. We must enforce this law for the protection of a great species both fun for sport and a great and tasty fish, and most importantly for the next generation to enjoy this sport as much as we have.
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