Please Sign to demand transparency and accountability of allowing feral cats and Wildlife are illegally being trapped and killed. I have asked the Citrus Heights Mayor and Board of Supervisors to insist his Animal Control Officer's follow Laws of protection, but to no avail. Not only are these rouge AC Officers not following the Law or their own Website Policies of allowing Park residents to illegally trap and relocate or kill, but it is believed they are actively killing Feral Cats using false testing results of FIV. as a guise. These same PArk residents are being allowed to kill Wildlife, I had found one oppossum that a resident had trapped and let starve to death. Please Sign to let this Mobile Home Park Property Manager, Citrus Heights Animal Control Officers and Citrus Heights Mayor, Steve Miller know you want this Trapping and Killing to Stop and those guilty of causing these animals harm to be held accountable.It is known Citrus Heights Animal Control had made an agreement several years back with Stonegate Mobile Home Park Manager, to TNR Feral Cats in the Park. After about a year with observations, none of the Cats were being trapped had been returned to the Park. Animal Control was working with a man in the Park to trap, this man has admitted to poisoning (recently) & trapping and dumping cats in previous decades. It had been witnessed in last few years more than 50-70 Cats taken for TNR by Animal Control and not one returned, even trapping and not returning tipped ear, previous TNR'd cats, & Pets. Their claims are that any cat testing positive for FIV to be euthanized. In the TNR Program it is not normal procedure when doing TNR to test the cats for FIV unless they are showing outward symptoms of being ill, also there have been others that have TNR'ed cats, and none had presented ill to need to be tested. Animal Control is using this false narrative to please the cat haters in this Park, many who have admitted that they want the cats not to come back to Park, or want them "dead". The Park has also allowed people to trap and kill opossums, (any Wildlife), one resident recently trapped an opossum kept her in trap until she starved to death, this person still has their trap set in their driveway after it was reported to Animal Control and Park Manager and after this person made it known their further intentions of verbally admitting they were trapping cats and opossums. These actions are illegal, but the Citrus Animal Control Officers have not followed the Laws to protect the cats and have admitted that they don't have empathy for the cats and that they don't even follow advice and policy from the Alley Cats Allies (links posted on the CHAC website) they admitted they are fine with not returning cats after allowing a cat killer to trap and hand over to them, with zero accountability of what happens to these cats. They also made it known they whatever cats left should not be fed, and that they should be chased away to be a problem in another area, or to starve to death. These are not the type of people we should have in this job, unfortunately there is not a good vetting system for Animal Control Officers when hiring, the only requirement they need for the position is one class from HSUS in "How to Euthanize", no other Animal work is required, and for many, obviously neither is empathy.
Please Sign to demand this killing Stop!
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