Petition for Philippine Congress/Senate to pass/approve an enabling law against Political Dynasties

  • af: Jun Virtudazo
  • mottagare: The Congress and Senate of the Philippines

Public elective offices in the Philippines have become an heirloom and a family business. Family members occupy various government positions either simultaneously or continuously. It is a common scenario that fathers are being succeeded by their wives, sons, daughters and other close relatives. Ordinary people who are qualified cannot simply win in the election because these political dynasties have already established a well-entrenched political clout in their respective constituencies. This is a flagrant violation of the Constitution particularly on Social Justice and a blatant deprivation of the rights of the citizens on equal access to opportunities for public service. To our Honorable Congressmen and Senators, please ENACT AND APPROVE THAT LAW AGAINST POLITICAL DYSNASTIES NOW!!

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