Give Dr. Zelenka a Cover Feature!

  • af: Meg O'Connor
  • mottagare: Natalie Barnes, Editor, Titan Magazines, Official Magazine of Stargate
They've written articles on the enemies.  They've written articles on the technology.  They've written articles about other characters.  It's time to see a glossy cover and full-length article of our favorite brilliant scientist, Dr. Radek Zelenka!    
Titan Magazine publishes a beautiful glossy magazine for the fans of Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis.  They've had covers with Most of the major characters, and several articles about some supporting characters.  They've even had some articles about the Wraith.

We, the devoted fans of the character of Dr. Radek Zelenka, would like to see a major article all about him.  Shiny photos, quotes and insights from David Nykl, a peek behind the scenes...  His fans are clamoring for more, more, MORE DR. Z! 

Listen to the fans, Titan Magazines.  We are signing this petition and sending it to you, and to the editor, Natalie Barnes.  Heck, We'll even find a way to send it to David Nykl and Peter DeLuise if we have to.
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