Governor Jindal: help the "shelter" animals in Louisiana, being killed with empty kennels available

Adoptable animals in some shelters in Louisiana are being killed when there are empty kennels, and rescue organizations are not being given any info on which animals are at most risk of being murdered. We, the people have had ENOUGH! It is now a Federal CRIME for citizens to be cruel to animals, and murdering of adoptable animals when there are empty kennels or rescue interest or a chance to place the animal should be addressed IMMEDIATELY! Hold the shelter directors of Louisiana to the same standard its citizens are held to. Murder is cruel! Cruelty is against the law! Please fix this problem, Governor. Ghandi said: 'The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.' Please get with rescue organizations in the state and fix the shelters killing problem. One of the shelters doing the senseless killing is Iberia Parish Rabies Control, IPAC. The new director of the shelter has had killing sprees and continues to do so even when there are empty kennels for new intakes. Ideally, our state should work toward becoming a No Kill state. Until that day arrives, we need you to work to reform the shelter system and bring them under the new anti-cruelty laws now in place on a federal level. Thank you for your attention in this matter, Governor Jindal.

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