We call upon the City of Los Angeles to shut down horse, pony rides, and petting zoos because these practices abuse animals for entertainment

To Mayor Eric Garcetti, Councilmember Gil Cedillo, Councilmember Paul Krekorian, Councilmember Bob Blumenfield, Councilmember Nithya Raman, Councilmember Paul Koretz, Councilmember Nury Martinez, Councilmember Monica Rodriguez, Councilmember Marqueece Harris- Dawson, Councilmember Curren D. Price, Jr., Councilmember Mark Ridley-Thomas, Councilmember Mike Bonin, Councilmember John Lee, Councilmember Mitch O'Farrell, Councilmember Kevin de Leon, Councilmember Joe Buscaino.

WHEREAS, the City of Los Angeles protects the lives of children who live and visit within the City;

WHEREAS, horses and ponies carry communicable diseases;

WHEREAS, petting zoo animals endure high stress during handling;

WHEREAS, horses and ponies tethered to a metal bar, plodding in endless circles in hot temperatures, with no access to water;

WHEREAS, horses and ponies are overworked;

WHEREAS, horses and pony rides pose immense safety risk to children;

THEREFORE, the City of Los Angeles condemns the use of horses and ponies to provide entertainment to children;

I, the undersigned, am a resident of the City of Los Angeles or I routinely visit the City of Los Angeles, I have read the petition, and I ask the City Council to adopt an ordinance consistent with the petition.

Communicable diseases: Commonly transmitted from horses to humans. Dermatophilosis - Dermatophilosis is caused by the bacteria Dermatophilus congolensis. This enters the body through an abrasion, insect bite, or laceration.

Safety risk to children: Lack of protective gear (helmet), and saddle not properly adjusted appropriately on child has proven to cause broken bones, and bodily damage.

Please contact the Los Angeles City Council urging them to ban Pony Rides, because it poses a safety concern to children, and huge animal welfare concern.  

mayor.helpdesk@lacity.org; gilbert.cedillo@lacity.org; councilmember.Krekorian@lacity.org; councilmember.blumenfield@lacity.org; contactCD4@lacity.org; Paul.Koretz@lacity.org; councilmember.martinez@lacity.org; councilmember.rodriguez@lacity.org; councilmember.harris-dawson@lacity.org; councilmember.price@lacity.org; councilmember.ridley-thomas@lacity.org; Karly.Katona@lacity.org; councilmember.bonin@lacity.org; councilmember.Lee@lacity.org; councilmember.ofarrell@lacity.org; councilmember.kevindeleon@lacity.org; councilmember.buscaino@lacity.org;

Opdater #72 år siden
Please email Councilmember Mike Bonin, and politely ask him to ban pony rides, and your thoughts as to why this ordinance should be accomplished.

Opdater #63 år siden
Please email Councilmember Paul Koretz, and politely ask him to ban pony rides, and your thoughts as to why this ordinance should be accomplished.

Opdater #53 år siden
Dear supporters, we have started to actively lobby the Los Angeles City Council, and we need your help to push this campaign to end pony rides in Los Angeles City.

Please call Councilmember Nithya Raman, and politely ask her to ban pony rides, and your thoughts as to why this ordinance should be accomplished.

(213) 473-7004
Opdater #43 år siden
Thank you so much for your ongoing support. Please continue to share my petition with your friends and family, as we are still trying to reach out goal of 150,000. These animals have been neglected far too long, and your support, and signatures is crucial in urging the Los Angeles City Council to ban pony rides.
Opdater #33 år siden
Please send the below email as there has been documented animal neglect, & child safety concerns

Dear Councilmember Raman
I am reaching out to urge you to place a ban on pony rides, as the neglect and abuse at Griffith Park and Pony Rides have been occurring since 2016. This year, a child was seriously dragged and trampled, as the child's saddle slipped off the pony. Santa Monica City Council was able to see the light, and I believe the City of Los Angeles can too!

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