This Trump Policy Gives Officials the Right to Rip Babies Out of Their Mothers' Arms

  • af: Care2 Team
  • mottagare: President Donald Trump, Attorney General Sessions, ICE

President Trump and Attorney General Sessions' disdain for immigrants has sunk to new lows, even for them. In March, the Justice Department implemented a new policy towards migrants crossing the border illegally. Families crossing the border would no longer be detained together. Rather parents would be charged with a crime, giving U.S. Immigration the legal grounds they needed to strip them of their kids.

Recent reports state the government has already separated some 2,000 children from their parents.

The new family separation program has been widely panned by human, children, and immigrant's rights organizations as extraordinarily cruel and possibly illegal. But that hasn't stopped the administration from going forward, and the stories are horrific. 

  • One mother says authorities ripped her baby right out of her arms while she was breastfeeding her child at a detention center. When she resisted, they put her in handcuffs. 

  • In another case, a father, so agonized after authorities separated him from his children, took his own life.

  • And in recent leaked audio released by ProPublica, children in a detention facility are heard crying and sobbing for their missing parents while Border officials crack jokes. It's a heartbreaking sound that we should never ignore. 


These are only a few of the many horrific stories stemming from the Trump Administration's new policy. Its a disgusting example of callousness from our own government, and these separations and the trauma and pain they cause is being done in our name.

We cannot allow it to continue.

Please sign the petition and demand that Trump and Sessions put an end to this cruel and inhumane policy and return the children who have already been forcibly removed to their parents.

Opdater #16 år siden
President Trump said he plans to sign an executive order ending family separations. Share this petition to keep the pressure on!
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