Send a Message of Hope to a "Forgotten" Child

God loves all children, but too often, those with disabilities are overlooked by national health, educational and development programs. In many communities, children with disabilities are hidden out of shame or superstition and turned away by schools. The time and expense of caring for disabled children without any help locks their families in poverty.

In the poorest countries, up to 80 percent of children with disabilities die without help.

All children are a blessing -- regardless of their abilities to see, hear or walk. Sadly, too many children don't hear this enough.

Send a prayer or message of hope to "forgotten" children and remind them that they are loved no matter what.
Dear Loved Child,

Don't let anyone tell you that you cannot do something, or that you have no value.

The truth is you are blessed, and I am one of many people who love you and believe in you.

[Your comments will be added here]

It doesn't matter what you can or cannot physically accomplish. It doesn't matter how intelligent you are, or how much money your family does -- or doesn't -- have.

You are loved, by me and by God, because of who you are here on this earth and because of the person he destined you to become.

It is my hope and prayer that you never forget -- no matter what people say or do to make you believe otherwise -- that you are loved.
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