Please support this Petition to humanely relocate an established cat colony and abolish stalking, animal theft, harassment, and vandalizing their homes.
Please donate:
#JustGive or PayPal GivingFund or Networkforgood or MembersGive
Freya's Cat Rescue, PO Box 264, Tennent NJ 07763
Donations are tax-deductible. Thank you for caring.
Update Jan 2, 2018:
Dear Everyone,Happy New Year from Freya's Cat Rescue and all the outsider cats and rescues. We were successful in safely relocating our entire cat colony with the help of 3 dedicated volunteers. Please remember their forced eviction from their beautiful sanctuary. Cat are no longer permitted to live on the Pine Brook Care Center wooded property. Thank you to all who donated. We still need your help as relocation and veterinary expenses were very high.
Management insists on the removal of a managed cat colony who resided in the woods more than 20 years. There have been no complaints yet suddenly the cat family must be removed or killed all because the colony has been repeatedly vandalized more than three years by employees. The manager, rather than reprimand employees, refuses to call them out on the despicable cruelty to animals. In fact, by turning their security cameras away from the area, they intentionally obstructed justice and aided in criminal activity. Asking the cats to vacate in the cold places their lives in danger since their immune systems are already depressed from harsh New Jersey winters and then heavy spring rains. Instead they turn a blind cheek and security cameras away from catching criminal mischief. The lack of concern for prolific vandalism, stalking, animal theft, harassment of me, placing Pine Brook residents at risk, is alarming given the fact that it is only a matter of time that people who inflict pain and suffering on animals carry that behavior over to humans.
Pine Brook is of the misguided belief that if the cats are removed 1) they will not return 2) Residents will stop abandoning their unwanted pets 3) that another cat colony won't take over. 4) Once cats are removed new cats will automatically move in. It is called the Vacuum Effect. The vacuum effect has been well documented worldwide. Since there are dumpsters filled with unexpired food, cats and wild animals will continue to gravitate to the property as they have done for centuries.
The kitties are sweet, healthy cats, bonded to each other, their location and caregiver. I have attempted to arrange a meeting with the owners / Director since last year and the answer was that they can't tell their employees what they can and can't do on their property, in their free time etc. Pine Brook wants cats gone even though it is still freezing cold, the only home they have ever known. Cats have always resided in the watershed woods. Since their homes have been repeatedly vandalized the cats are scared, anxious and fearful not knowing who to trust! Pine Brook could care less. If we do not remove the cats and their homes by April 15 they said they will charge me with trespassing, trash their homes, causing the cats to run away in fear, squelching our efforts to safely remove them. The colony has been cared for by me, Freya's Cat Rescue, a 501(c) (3) non-profit for the past 15++ years. The cats are microchipped, well fed, vaccinated and TNR'd (spayed and neutered) This is a tragedy.
If the beautiful cats are forced off the property before I can trap them all, they may be taken to the overcrowded Animal Shelter. Animal Shelters do not like feral cats and they are treated like a concentration camp and await the fate of death. 100% of feral cats are killed within 7 days, if they last that long. While they await their fate, they are trapped in wire cells scared out of their minds, struggling to get free, hurting themselves in the process, separated from their babies and feline friends, torn from their homes, panting in fear. They are accustomed to roaming free and become depressed.
Management was made aware their employee has been routinely stalking me and the cats. I was asked recently why I have not filed a police report. The reason is I am protecting the cats and also fear for my life. Each time I confront this employee in writing, another cat disappears and cat houses are destroyed. Management only serves to reinforce this dispicable behavior by ignoring it and invalidating my experience. When management doesn't set boundaries for employee behavior, they run rampant. Animal trafficking is a crime. We also do not know how many beautiful pets are being sold for animal experimentation.
Management wants to inhumanely trap helpless, otherwise happy cats and evict them in the cold. It is 10-15 degrees colder in the woods. They would be ripped away from their families, mothers, and the only home they know, all because Pine Brook refused to address vandalism and animal theft by a jealous female employee whose agenda was to "steal" the colony. What do you think? Would you leave your elderly parent at a Center knowing that animals homes have been knifed, food and cats stolen that management failed to investigate? Do you support killing healthy animals?
Please look into your hearts and write to Pine Brook officials to 1) Permit the cats to stay until they can all be safely relocated 2) Pay for the relocation expenses. 3) Stop trapping and killing healthy pets 4) Terminate the stalking employee vandalizing the colony scaring cats out of their homes in the snow. 5) Return our 2 stolen, licensed cats. Demand humane treatment options and allow the cats to continue living in the woods at least until July 15 when they can safely be relocated.
Please voice your concerns about the cost to the community, taxpayers, and change Pine Brook's shameful employee policies. We need to raise money for traps, cages, a trailer and veterinary care all for their safe relocation.
Donations are accepted at #JustGive or PayPal or GoFundMe
Mailing: Freya's Cat Rescue, PO Box 264, Tennent NJ 07763
Donations are tax-deductible. Thank you for caring.
Freya's Cat Rescue is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, verified, public charity.
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