Tell facebook to stop hosting pages that promote trophy hunting, canned hunting, taxidermy & poaching of native African wildlife!

PHOTO: Opathe Game Reserve in KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa. A dead white rhino (Ceratotherium simum) killed by poachers for its horns.

I feel so strongly about this that I actually quit facebook – because I believe facebook is simply not doing anywhere near enough to stop trophy hunting.

Mark Elliot Zuckerberg,

In the beginning, facebook was okay. Mainly because it was useful. Facebook encouraged people to find my old aquaintences. Facebook made it easy for me to find people. I could never do that before. So I let my account stay — because there was a benefit in leaving it there. I filled in a few of my "life events". And that was it...

But now almost a decade later, facebook has morphed into an altogether different beast. Facebook is hosting and thereby *actively supporting* all manner of shitty "internet pages" that are completely devoted  to attacking nature.

If I had have known back then that you'd be hosting Kendall Jones' trophy hunting page today, I would never have signed up in the first place! I would have convinced all my friends and family to avoid facebook like the black plague.

1 million people may well 'like' Kendal Jones' facebook page, but I *know* that one billion people would 'like' to see it go. To be frank, 1 billion people hate the woman's guts, okay... and that's putting it mildly.

Now if I have to chose to live in a world without facebook or a world without rhinos, I would choose to live in the world without facebook every single time.

What has facebook got to do with this? Well, if you would like to see what I am talking about, simply search for pages on facebook with the following keywords: "African taxidermy", "trophy hunting", "safari hunting", "canned hunting", etc. There are hundreds of pages dedicated to this sordid business.

Facebook is making it too darn easy for people to actually book safaris and to then go and kill these animals. I think social media is partly to blame for the increased levels of poaching in the last few years...

So today, as a sign of how strongly I feel about this, I'm quitting facebook. And when someone informs me by some other means that Kendall Jones' facebook abhorrent 'page' has ceased to exist, well then I might come back one day and personally congratulate you for making the right choice.

Rhinos can't send Mr Zuckerberg this personal message, can they? So I am doing it on their behalf.

Mr. Zuckerberg, if you would like to improve your company, and help out native African wildlife at the same time, you can start by completely reforming facebook by taking each and every single report about facebook pages more seriously.

You could say "facebook does not support trophy hunting, safari hunting, canned hunting, poaching or African taxidermy". You could say "no more selfies with dead animals". I think that's ultimately what you must do.

Otherwise, here is what you are essentially supporting:
[warning warning warning very graphic content ahead if you click that link, you've been warned now].

Do you know what I learned last year? I learned that people only stay in relationships while it benefits them.

Well today, I don't see any benefit in facebook. Rather, I see that facebook is getting a lot of the benefit, along with trophy hunters, and all the native African wildlife is being massively fucked over.

I myself am seeing precious little to make me want to hang around connected to your website. But the real reason for my hasty departure, the last straw if you will, is of course because you are hosting the despicable pages of hundreds of trophy hunters.

I think enough is enough already and you should just not condone this any longer.

If I could give you one piece of advice, Mark, it's this: "Try to please all and you shall please none."

What that means is, you've really got to start choosing what kind of people you want to be associated with. When 100,000 people or more start leaving your platform in droves —because they don't like what you seem to support— maybe you might start to pay attention to what the users want. Do you even remember us? ... the billions of users that made you who you are today.

Dr. Leslie Dean Brown

P.S: I am aware of the irony involved in what I am about to say, but if you decide to leave facebook, remember: before you go, please sign this petition first, share it on facebook for a bit, make sure all your facebooky friends see it first, maybe give a countdown, use facebook to your advantage, and then go. If you leave first and then come here (like I did), you won't be able to update anybody online. It'll be like you just vanished off the face of the Earth. Of course, if they are real friends, you'll be able to tell them why in person.

Tell facebook the real reason why you are leaving! I did. Don't just leave without telling them why! That way your departure will actually count for something and more people will realise why you aren't around anymore... ;-)

Keep signing and sharing and lets end this together! I also encourage you to donate directly to the Black Mambas and smaller organisations like that that actually protect rhinos (I do).

Update #59 months ago
I still don't have facebook. I don't miss it. Not one iota.
Anyway, I have started a new petition and this time it's to do with animal cruelty on Youtube. Animals being killed and eaten onscreen while still live! Worse, the producers are actually getting paid to make these sick videos and it has to stop. It needs signatures. Sign and share!
Update #41 years ago
UPDATE: I quit facebook shortly after this petition. They didn't listen to me. I don't miss facebook one iota. Anyway, every now and then I start a new petition. Here's my latest one: "Sack Jolyon Maugham, a prominent Barrister/QC who murdered a fox with a baseball bat (and bragged about it on twitter)."
Please sign and share it. Thanks,
Update #35 years ago
Well here is some small amount of good news for you all.
Probably due to the Cecil effect, see for youself: "Lion Hunting Suspended Indefinitely"

Remember, people get away with what the rest of society let them get away with.

Keep up the pressure!
Share, like, share, like.
Leslie Dean Brown
Update #25 years ago
Just a quick update. I see we now have almost 33,000 signatures which is way more than I expected! I'm sure rhinos and other animals would appreciate it if you could all share this petition around again and again and again, preferably until it has 100,000+ people on it. Because the rhinos can't do it, can they? I have not logged onto facebook since March 2016. Thanks, Dr. Leslie Dean Brown
Update #15 years ago
I have just updated the petition and re-worded it. I do not expect that many people will quit facebook over this issue. I think it has more chance now. I do hope that this petition reaches 100,000+ one day. Please sign & share on all your social media before it's too late! Please keep on sharing it too (not everyone is online at the same time and so they may not see your news feed). Thanks, Les.

PHOTO: Opathe Game Reserve in KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa. A dead white rhino (Ceratotherium simum) killed by poachers for its horns.

I feel so strongly about this that I actually quit facebook – because I believe facebook is simply not doing anywhere near enough to stop trophy hunting.

Mark Elliot Zuckerberg,

In the beginning, facebook was okay. Mainly because it was useful. You encouraged people to find my old aquaintences. You made it easy for me to find people. I could never do that before. So I let my account stay — because there was a benefit in leaving it there. I filled in a few of my "life events". And that was it...

But now almost a decade later, facebook has morphed into an altogether different beast. Facebook is hosting and thereby *actively supporting* all manner of shitty "internet pages" that are completely devoted  to attacking nature.

If I had have known back then that you'd be hosting Kendall Jones' trophy hunting page today, I would never have signed up in the first place! I would have convinced all my friends and family to avoid facebook like the black plague.

1 million people may well 'like' Kendal Jones' facebook page, but I *know* that one billion people would 'like' to see it go. To be frank, 1 billion people hate the woman's guts, okay... and that's putting it mildly.

Now if I have to chose to live in a world without facebook or a world without rhinos, I would choose to live in the world without facebook every single time.

What has facebook got to do with this? Well, if you would like to see what I am talking about, simply search for pages on facebook with the following keywords: "African taxidermy", "trophy hunting", "safari hunting", "canned hunting", etc. There are hundreds of pages dedicated to this sordid business.

Facebook is making it too darn easy for people to actually book safaris and to then go and kill these animals. I think social media is partly to blame for the increased levels of poaching in the last few years...

So today, as a sign of how strongly I feel about this, I'm quitting facebook. And when someone informs me by some other means that Kendall Jones' facebook abhorrent 'page' has ceased to exist, well then I might come back one day and personally congratulate you for making the right choice.

Rhinos can't send you this personal message, can they? So I am doing it on their behalf.

If you would like to improve your company, and help out native African wildlife at the same time, you can start by completely reforming facebook by taking each and every single report about facebook pages more seriously.

You could say "facebook does not support trophy hunting, safari hunting, canned hunting, poaching or African taxidermy". You could say "no more selfies with dead animals". I think that's ultimately what you must do.

Otherwise, here is what you are essentially supporting:
[warning warning warning very graphic content ahead if you click that link, you've been warned now].

Do you know what I learned last year? I learned that people only stay in relationships while it benefits them.

Well today, I don't see any benefit in facebook. Rather, I see that facebook is getting a lot of the benefit, along with trophy hunters, and all the native African wildlife is being massively fucked over.

I myself am seeing precious little to make me want to hang around connected to your website. But the real reason for my hasty departure, the last straw if you will, is of course because you are hosting the despicable pages of hundreds of trophy hunters.

I think enough is enough already and you should just not condone it any longer.

If I could give you one piece of advice, Mark, it's this: "Try to please all and you shall please none."

What that means is, you've really got to start choosing what kind of people you want to be associated with. When 100,000 people or more start leaving your platform in droves —because they don't like what you seem to support— maybe you might start to pay attention to what the users want. Do you even remember us? ... the billions of users that made you who you are today.

Dr. Leslie Dean Brown

Opdater #53 år siden
Hello, I have another petition I would like you to sign. "Don't bulldoze 1000 trees for a Moruya highway bypass overdevelopment! Choose the shorter option D/E instead."
I would *really* appreciate it if you could all sign & share this new petition.
Kind regards,
leslie dean brown
Opdater #45 år siden
UPDATE: I quit facebook shortly after this petition. They didn't listen to me. I don't miss facebook one iota. Anyway, every now and then I start a new petition. Here's my latest one: "Sack Jolyon Maugham, a prominent Barrister/QC who murdered a fox with a baseball bat (and bragged about it on twitter)."
Please sign and share it. Thanks,
Opdater #38 år siden
Well here is some small amount of good news for you all.
Probably due to the Cecil effect, see for youself: "Lion Hunting Suspended Indefinitely"

Remember, people get away with what the rest of society let them get away with.

Keep up the pressure!
Share, like, share, like.
Leslie Dean Brown
Opdater #28 år siden
Just a quick update. I see we now have almost 33,000 signatures which is way more than I expected! I'm sure rhinos and other animals would appreciate it if you could all share this petition around again and again and again, preferably until it has 100,000+ people on it. Because the rhinos can't do it, can they? I have not logged onto facebook since March 2016. Thanks, Dr. Leslie Dean Brown
Opdater #18 år siden
I have just updated the petition and re-worded it. I do not expect that many people will quit facebook over this issue. I think it has more chance now. I do hope that this petition reaches 100,000+ one day. Please sign & share on all your social media before it's too late! Please keep on sharing it too (not everyone is online at the same time and so they may not see your news feed). Thanks, Les.
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