Protect the Chesapeake Clean Water Blueprint from Special Interests

The American Farm Bureau Federation and Fertilizer Institute have recruited 21 states from across the country to support their efforts to derail Chesapeake Bay restoration. Together, they're seeking to overturn the recent ruling which declared the science-based pollution limits and the clean-up plan legal. We say to these special interests and to Missouri, Kansas, Texas, Alaska, and the other states, don't tell us how to restore clean water in our backyard!
Each of the six Bay states and the District of Columbia—including hard-working farmers, businesses, and individuals—are working together. We are well on our way to making our rivers and streams safer, improving our habitat, protecting human health, and strengthening local economies. Let us continue to do this good work for our waters and future generations.
Dead zones are shrinking. Oyster populations are rebounding. We can't let these states—spurred by special interests who put their profits ahead of clean water—undermine what could be our last chance to save the Bay. Not now, just when the Bay's recovery is picking up speed!
Tell Alaska, Utah, Montana, Kansas, and the 17 other states backing these lobbyists: Don't tell us how to restore clean water in our backyard!
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