Stop Cowboy Lenders Holding Lower Income Countries to Ransom

Right now, 54 lower income countries are in a debt crisis. In the wake of the pandemic and economic crisis, debt repayments have hit their highest levels in 25 years. 

But instead of agreeing to cancel some of the debt, reckless lenders are demanding it all – plus interest – making eye-watering profits. 

Some of the world's richest banks and hedge funds are making millions while the poorest countries in the world are left without the money they need for essential services, like health, education, and tackling the climate crisis. 

In the UK we have the power to put a stop to this injustice. Because 90% of lending to the lowest income countries is enforced through UK courts. A new law here could force cowboy lenders to cancel debt. But it will only happen if enough of us act.  

Sign the petition to the government today to add your voice: 

"I'm calling on you to introduce a new law to make sure lower income countries in crisis can get their debts cancelled." 

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