Demand Congress to stop the illegal hunting, killing, capturing of wild animals by passing the Global Anti-Poaching Act!

Tell Congress to stop wildlife trafficking!
The Western Black Rhino is extinct because of poaching!
100 elephants are poached in a day!
Lions are still hunted for trophies!
The U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee just approved the Global Anti-Poaching Act to go before the U.S. House of Representatives for a vote – and we need to get it passed as soon as possible.
This bipartisan legislation will enable the U.S. government to work with partner countries to identify and stop international criminal syndicates, rebel groups and terrorist organizations profiting from the illegal wildlife trade.
Help strengthen U.S. efforts to combat wildlife trafficking and save animals from ruthless poachers. Tell your representative that you support the Global Anti-Poaching Act. Please sign that you read this.

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