Nobel Peace Prize for Cindy Sheehan

Please nominate Cindy Sheehan for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Dear Mr. Carter,
You were the first President I voted for when I turned 18.  What a hopeful time that was!  I have always been challenged by your continuing efforts for peace and the uplifting of all humanity.
Please consider nominating Cindy Sheehan for the Nobel Peace Prize.  In a non-violent way she is leveraging her personal power to confront this administration with simple basic truths any layperson could understand, throughout the entire world and throughout time.
As you know, she has been called the Rosa Parks of the anti-Iraq War movement.  She also operates, I think, from a set of Christian values that stand in strong contrast to the co-opted "Christianity" that has become a plaything of the political pundits.
According to the Nobel website, persons who have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize are allowed make nominations.  I think Mrs. Sheehan is absolutely worthy.  I believe that you will agree, and I hope that you will find it within your ability to make this nomination.
Thank you for your consideration,
Lisa McKinney

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