Take back the Supreme Court from MAGA lunatics. Expand it and add new members who can bring back sanity

The Supreme Court just ruled that presidents are immune from prosecution for official actions—essentially handing Trump the dictatorship he craves, if he wins in November.

We need to beat Trump. We need to win Congress. And then we need to add as many sensible new justices to the court as necessary to fix it.

Add your name, and tell Democrats to do this, regardless of how much Republicans protest.

There is nothing in the constitution that sets the number of Supreme Court justices at 9. So if we need to add 5, 10, 20 or more new ones to offset the lunatics, we should do it. All it takes is a simple vote of Congress. 

Republicans broke the Court, and we need to repair it. To hell with tradition and political niceties, the Republicans are trying to end our democracy. It's time to fight back hard.

Add your name, and tell the Democrats to do this as quickly as possible if they win in November.

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