Cancel Greek Debt!

  • af: Beth Granter
  • mottagare: The European Union, The European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund
People across Europe are being crushed by austerity, a failed policy and false solution to the problem of accumulating public debts, much of which were caused by the bailing out of the banks. They join millions of people in developing countries who continue to be profoundly affected by repeat debt crises and decades of punishing austerity.

Greece is the frontline on Europe’s debt crisis. The Greek people are burdened by an enormous and un–payable debt caused by the lending of irresponsible European banks, the borrowing of the corrupt Greek elite, and a global network of tax havens allowing money to flow out of the country. The Greek Truth Commission is starting to expose the deep injustice of these debts.

Greece’s crisis and those before it are symptoms of a global financial system that puts the interests of banks and financial elites above the needs of ordinary people and our rights to secure homes, decent work, and access to essential public services like water, healthcare, education.

We urgently need to cancel unjust debts, end forced austerity, and create new rules to tackle debt crises fairly and promptly when they occur.

We, the citizens of countries across Europe, call for:

A European conference to agree debt cancellation for Greece and other countries that need it, informed by debt audits and funded by recovering money from the banks and financial speculators who were the real beneficiaries of bailouts.

An end to the enforcing of austerity policies that are causing injustice and poverty in Europe and across the world.

The creation of UN rules to deal with government debt crises promptly, fairly and with respect for human rights, and to signal to the banks and financiers that we won’t keep bailing them out for reckless lending.

Photo credit: Jubilee Debt Campaign

I am running this petition in support of the Cancel Greek Debt initiative
We, the citizens of countries across Europe, call for:

A European conference to agree debt cancellation for Greece and other countries that need it, informed by debt audits and funded by recovering money from the banks and financial speculators who were the real beneficiaries of bailouts.

An end to the enforcing of austerity policies that are causing injustice and poverty in Europe and across the world.

The creation of UN rules to deal with government debt crises promptly, fairly and with respect for human rights, and to signal to the banks and financiers that we won’t keep bailing them out for reckless lending.
Opdater #19 år siden
On Sunday the Greek people voted Oxi ('no') to further imposed austerity, taking a stand against attacks on the living standards of ordinary people. Richard Burgon MP on Monday tabled an Early Day Motion in support of the Greek people. The EDM, stating that debt cancellation and a grace period without payments is necessary, has been signed by 38 MPs so far!
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