Tell companies to stop greenwashing!

Did you know that almost half of all green claims made by companies are false, exaggerated, or deceptive?

Greenwashing: It's not only unethical and outrageous, it's dangerous. Why? Because if consumers don't know what to believe or who to trust, they may very well decide it's useless to even try to make sustainable choices when shopping.

We can't let companies undermine the movement to regenerate and heal our planet—the stakes are too high. Now, more than ever, we need everyone on board, so companies must stop making false claims.

Or better yet—they should actually do the work. The Rainforest Alliance works hard to get food and drink companies to grow products sustainably and to do right by workers and farmers, and forests and nature.

72% of all shoppers feel like transparency is super important when it comes to green claims. Don't you?

We can end this practice. And we have to—for the sake of the planet, and our future. 

Sign up today to demand an end to misleading green claims
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