Block the Infrastructure Bill-Stop the Government from selling off the last of the country's assets
- af: Christine Dixon
- mottagare: The Government House of Lords and the Commons
I would ask the MPs and the Lords to oppose the Infrastructure Bill. I ask people to sign this petitiion for these reasons.....The Infrastructure Bill poses a huge threat to our publicly owned green spaces and forests from flogging off & development, to our homes & landscape from fracking & radioactive waste, to our wildlife from extermination and to our fundamental democratic right to have a say in how development occurs in our communities.
To all members of the House of Lords and MPs :- Please oppose or amend the Infrastructure Bill and so protect our public land and forests from being sold off for development or from being compromised by processes such as fracking or other dangerous practices. Please also protect our wild life from being culled, just because they were not originally native to the UK.
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