Pledge to Support the Women of Nepal

Heifer International is launching a bold new project for women in Nepal. Our goal is to help 25,000 families increase their income and food security by providing women with goats and training. You can help us achieve this goal by pledging your support today!

Heifer International's model of providing high-quality livestock and agricultural training to poor farmers around the world has proven exceptionally effective in Nepal.

Nani Lama is so grateful for the goats, vegetable seedlings and training she received, which have given her the means to support her family and provide her daughter Sunita with the opportunity to achieve her dream of becoming a teacher. This is quite an accomplishment for a woman in Nepal where chronic discrimination often prohibits women and girls from owning animals, property or even holding jobs. But such a dramatic transformation is not uncommon for families participating in Heifer projects.

Sign this action and pledge to support women like Nani and Sunita.
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