Sign now to help Cole achieve a better world for animals

Cole's third-grade teacher noticed he hadn't been acting like himself lately. The usually happy, smiling 9-year-old was quiet and withdrawn. The teacher spent extra time with Cole over the next few weeks and learned that his hamster had died, and Cole had been watching educational videos about hamsters--that's where he first learned about pet animal mills. Cole was heartbroken; he felt so bad for all the animals trapped in those terrible places and wished there was something that he could do to help them.
Cole's teacher said, "I have a daughter who works at an animal charity, called the Humane Society of the United States. Do you want me to ask her if there is anything they can do, or you can do to help?" Cole's eyes lit up. He started to smile again. (Then he was even more excited when we asked him to star in a video!)
Puppy mills and other pet animal mills are inhumane commercial breeding facilities where animals such as puppies, bunnies and kittens are mass-produced. To maximize profits, these poor animals are often forced to live in horrendous conditions, with minimal veterinary care or human interaction. As a result, many of the pets sold at pet stores are sick--and the breeding animals often suffer from severe physical, behavioral and emotional problems. Pet stores often hide the truth from their customers and deceive families for profit.
By supporting adoption and ethical breeders, you're not only standing up against mills but if you adopt from an animal shelter or rescue group, you're saving an animal in the process. Most animal shelters have a variety of small pets including hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits, and some birds, not just dogs and cats, and many rescue groups specialize in caring for and placing small pets!
Even a child can understand that no animal deserves to live their life in a tiny cage just to breed again and again. Please help Cole achieve a better world for animals by signing NOW! Your signature takes a stand with the Humane Society of the United States in support of pet adoption from local shelters and rescues instead of buying animals from pet stores, online or from other sellers that sell animals who are bred at mills. Add your name now!
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