Codie's Save The Seals Campaign

  • af: Heaven Leigh
  • mottagare: Paul Martin, Pmine Minister, Prime Minister of Canada
Codie is 11, she is sending out an SOS to all of you... that means Save Our Seals.
Prime Minister Paul Martin:
We are sending this petition in the hopes that you will listen to the pleas of children, no we do not mean the seal children, but actual human children.
This campaign was started by a little girl in NY who turned 11 on April 12,2005, the day the seal "hunt" was due to start in the Labrador Front. She considered it a birthday present from a Divine one that Canada experienced such inclement weather and the "hunt" was postponed.
I know so much about this little girl, because Codie is my daughter.
My normally shy child has turned into a tiger about these seals.
She has started a letter writing campaign that has really taken off...
look for MANY letters from children opposing your brutal hunt. Add to that the letters of their parents, other relatives and friends of the family.
This petition is simply to let you know that we do support a boycott of ALL Canadian seafood, and will until such a time when your "hunt"
is ended.
You will notice that I always put quotation marks around the word "hunt" It is because I can not think of this as a hunt... it is a slaughter plain and simple. You can reclassify 3 week old seal pups as adults all you want, you can reclassify them as cows if you like...
but they will still be baby seals to the rest of us.
We intend to fight this through to the very end of the largest marine mammal slaughter anywhere in the world.
The boycott will stand until, the ice floes of Canada are untainted with innocent seal blood.

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