Pledge to Stop Illegal Wildlife Poaching

Africa is home to the world's most iconic wildlife including elephants, rhinos, gorillas and lions. But illegal poaching might destroy these species forever. Poaching rates have reached record highs and at the current rate it is estimated that many iconic African animals will disappear within our lifetime.
On February 11, 2015 the U.S. Government released its implementation plan for its National Strategy for Combating Wildlife Trafficking. This implementation plan directs federal agencies in their execution of the National Strategy and serves as a road map for 'battening down the hatches' in the United States and as a model for the rest of the world, indicating that the U.S. government is leading on this issue. Specifically, the plan addresses U.S. enforcement efforts, reducing demand for illegally traded wildlife (including ivory and rhino horn) and expanding international cooperation to combat wildlife poaching. As one of the world's largest markets for illegal wildlife products, passing stricter penalties for wildlife trafficking in the U.S. will help combat poaching internationally. While this is great progress, we need to ensure that the U.S. government continues to make anti-poaching efforts a high priority.
We can work together to prevent Africa's wildlife from becoming history. Sign this petition to show your appreciation for the U.S. government's commitment to ending illegal poaching in Africa.
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