Help us end animal testing - For Emma, and animals like her

Emma, a minipig, was burned and cut — over and over — as part of traumatic wound testing for human-grade medicine in a research lab. Worse, Emma was denied anesthesia; she felt every burn and tear of her flesh.
Emma is a Gottingen minipig — a species deliberately bred to be quiet and docile and used for experiments. No animal should be made to suffer this way, but until we outlaw needless and inhumane testing, innocent animals like Emma will continue to endure excruciating pain, terror, and even death.
Emma, and animals like her, deserve better.
When Emma and the other pigs used as part of the traumatic wound testing were no longer deemed useful, they were released to a sanctuary. They face a long road to recovery and will deal with the wounds of their past for the rest of their lives. But they survived and now have a chance at a safe, healthy life — other animals face a worse fate.
The Animal Welfare Act is supposed to protect animals used in research, but it gives laboratories the power to exempt themselves from providing pain relief to animals. Experts say that animal testing isn't even effective. We must put an end to this cruelty!
Right now, the Animal Legal Defense Fund has an active lawsuit against the NIH for illegally censoring critics of their animal research, and we're supporting the passage of the Federal Humane Cosmetics Act which would restrict the use of animal testing for cosmetic products.
We're relentlessly advocating for stronger federal oversight of facilities that test on animals and for laws that will end this abhorrent practice for good.
No animal should experience the suffering Emma did. Sign today to help us end animal testing!
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