Urge the EPA to Limit Global Warming Pollution
One of the first, defining decisions facing President-elect Obama's Environmental Protection Agency is whether to heed the Supreme Court and regulate global warming pollution under the Clean Air Act.
The Supreme Court has already ruled that carbon dioxide is a "pollutant" under the Clean Air Act. Way back in April 2007, the Court told the EPA to get to work on regulating carbon dioxide.
But under pressure from the White House, the EPA has taken a go-slow approach.
We have an opportunity right now to shape their decision. The EPA is taking public comments right now until November 28.
Send an email to the EPA today supporting strong action under existing law to protect human health by reducing global warming pollution.
Re: Docket Number EPA-HQ-OAR-2008-0318
Scientists tell us that immediate action to reduce global warming pollution is essential to protect ourselves from a myriad of environmental and health problems.
It is the Environmental Protection Agency's job to defend the health and well-being of Americans.
The EPA has ample power under the Clean Air Act to regulate greenhouse gases and the Agency should move swiftly to use this power.
In fact, the EPA has a legal obligation to do so.
The EPA should not be deterred by the phony scare campaign launched by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Contrary to the scare campaign, there are plenty of ways to make sure that regulation of greenhouse gases applies only to large-scale polluters (like power plants), and not to small businesses.
[your comment]
The new Administration should move quickly after January 20 to do what is necessary to get strong greenhouse gas regulations in force during 2009.
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