Every day thousands of vehicles travel on State Route 68 (Holman Highway) past Skyline Forest Drive. Every day hundreds of vehicles enter or leave the highway at Skyline Forest Drive.
Speeding vehicles consistently drive faster than the posted 40 mph speed limit making Highway 68 more like a freeway.
Adverse weather conditions like rain or coastal fog, make it hard to judge the speed and distance of oncoming traffic. Reaction time and stopping distances are also affected.
The only entrance to the Community Hospital of Monterey (CHOMP) is on Holman Highway, 1/2-mile east of Skyline Forest. Access to the hospital is slowed considerably by the heavy traffic for people trying to turn left from Skyline Forest Drive. This adds time to the trip which is critical for victims of stroke, accidents or other emergencies.
In a cul-de-sac of only eight homes in Skyline Forest, two families have been involved in serious accidents trying to make a left-hand turn at this intersection. Their cars were totaled and the jaws of life were required in one case.
Everybody who uses these roads will benefit by having a stop light at this dangerous intersection. It would reduce excessive speeding, have fewer close calls, allow easier and safer access to our hospital, homes and community, reduce accidents and save lives.
A stop light should be installed for the safety of everyone who uses HIghway 68 and the intersection at Skyline Forest Drive.