15-yr-old Blind and Deaf Dog Kicked To Death

Guests at 40-yr-old Frank Aquino's Memorial Day Bar-B-Que reported that he viscously kicked a 15-yr-old deaf and blind dog to death. Roxie, the dog, wandered into Aquino's yard during the B-B-Q, attraced by the smell of food.
We ask that 40-yr-old Frank Aquino who is charged with aggravated animal cruelty, a felony, if convicted be given the maximum penalty of up to two years jail time and a $5,000 fine. A small price to pay for taking life of a defenseless dog. Mr. Aquino is accused of vicously kicking a 15-yr-old, deaf and blind dog, named Roxie to death.

Wittnesses say that after Aquino kicked Roxi so hard in the stomach, she rolled several times and then staggeered to a neighboring yard where she died under a tree.

This is where her guardians found their beloved friend, whom they had raised since she was a puppy. "To viciously kick a dog is beyond words," said one of them. "She was such a sweet animal. We'd come in the door and her tail would be wagging. Now she is gone, and in such a horrible way."

Being deaf and blind, Roxied couldn't hear or see to run from her attacker!
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