Stop Trump and Save the EPA

Saving the EPA means stopping Donald Trump. It's as simple as that. What you can do to save the EPA and stop climate change is even simpler.

Vote to Stop Trump, Vote for a Clean Planet.

Donald Trump doesn't know how important the EPA is for our future. Ensuring that the EPA is well-funded means a livable environment and a healthy future. Trump doesn't care about our future the way we care.

Stand Up to Trump, Commit to be a Climate Action Voter

Climate Action Voters prioritize fighting climate change and are forcing politicians to address the threat. Donald Trump announced his "environmental plan" in a room filled with Big Oil executives. Simply put: he's a Climate Action Voter's worst nightmare and needs to be stopped. .

Be Different Than Trump, Pledge To Be a Climate Voter.
I pledge to be a Climate Action Voter this year and every year to help save the climate.
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