I am requesting from you guys need to Do A NO DATING, NO FLIRTING POLICY In your anchors and reporters contracts.

  • af: anonymous girl

 Dear KTLA 5-Los Angeles,
I have written into management on the Ktla site voicing my opinion and trying to get you to do some serious disciplinary action about your KTLA5 reporters who are my least favorite. I am sick and tired of seeing  liberte Chan's and courtnery Friel in  short skirts, dresses, strapless dresses, and  hearing about liberte's  so called former figure skating days and she has no proof she just wants attention from viewers who like her and just want to get inside her pants. I'm sick and tired of Courtney Friel and her complaining about NOT getting acting auditions and colleagues beating her out. This is besides the point I am asking you to do a NO dating and NO Flirting policy in the company's contracts when you sign anchors and reporters. I Saw a picture of Mr. Mester with Ms. Christina P., on her instagram page and FB page and viewers linking this poor outfield reporter to him and spreading lies and rumors that are not true. I don't wanna see a female public figured reporter dress half naked in a swimsuit and post it on social media and I don't wanna see Mr. Mester with his wetsuit half past his hips. They should know better than to dress half naked I don't care if they aren't working or not cover up. I don't want to see that crap on social media especially on Ktla FB page... I seriously still love watching you guys your #1 because of us viewers... Now you the management need to step up to the plate and start doing some disciplinary action and suspensions should be given out. I love watching you KTLA5 morning news. I feel their should be a NO DATING OR NO FLIRTING POLICY in all anchors and outfield reporters contracts if caught disciplinary action will be taken.
If any male reporter or female reporter get's caught hanging out on weekends or meeting up for breakfast during their shifts, or after and not returning to the station after the show is done, disciplinary action and suspensions , transfers will be given.... NO asking a colleague to watch your kids get a family member to watch them. No reporter, or anchors will NOT be able to sue the viewer petitioning this or appeal this to any judge in a courtroom..... I feel their should be no dating or flirting policy in any new or veteran anchors, or reporters contracts, because I think it really inappropriate for them to date. I am sick and tired of the viewers spreading lies and rumors about your reporters and linking them together. You KTLA should freakin know better than to post a picture like that on social media. I feel the webstaffer should face disciplinary action or suspension. I feel Ms. Christina P. should also face suspension and transfer her to any of your sister statiions and have no contact with any of her colleageues. She should know better than to post that kind of picture on her social media accounts like FB, instagram shame on her. She needs to start covering up and start acting like a professional reporter and act like a lady. Her and Mr. Mester are NOT correcting the situation....I feel bad for Mr. Mester because he is such a ladies man and deserves respect from viewers it's like they just want to get inside his pants and that's not right. Hes not a sex symbol and hes a human being...  I will defend him as a fan and also as a viewer.....

 Everyone their has the right to privacy. You the management need to start listening to the viewers who write in to complain or if they feel offensive. Step up to the plate and start disciplinary actions don't do it when its on your terms do it on your viewers terms we bring you the #1 ratings in your weekday and weekend news casts .... Shape up and start acting like real bosses and not their friends....

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