Tell your Senator: Protect patient access to quality health care

Senator Sanders, chairman of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) committee recently introduced a bill that would severely decrease patient access to quality health care and disproportionately impact patients in rural or medically underserved areas, including communities of color.

As you know, hospitals and health systems play a vital role in treating patients with complex and chronic conditions; they are uniquely equipped to provide emergency care and handle complications. This proposed legislation would serve as a huge transfer of funds from hospitals to insurers – jeopardizing or even eliminating access to these essential services.

We need advocates like you to stand up - TODAY - to protect quality, accessible health care. Send a letter to your Senator to tell them: Protect patient access to quality health care, reject proposals that would limit access to care.
I'm writing to you as a constituent and a supporter of the Coalition to Protect America's Health Care, a community of over 2 million grassroots members committed to protecting hospitals, health systems, and patient care.

The Primary Care and Health Workforce Expansion Act recently introduced by Senate HELP Committee Chairman Sanders includes unprecedented cuts to hospitals through site-neutral provisions which are bad for patients, bad for hospitals, and bad for our communities. This bill would particularly impact patients in underserved communities, reducing their access to essential services.

We cannot have healthy communities without a health care system that provides care for all those who need it. To do that, hospitals and health systems need the necessary support – and patients need accessible, quality care that hospitals are uniquely equipped to provide.

Use your voice and your vote to protect access to quality health care and the community you serve! Reject the provisions in The Primary Care and Health Workforce Expansion Act that would limit access to care.
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