Do not reintroduce Pesticides in Oakland

We don't want weeds, but we don't want Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, Sex Hormone Disrupters, Miscarriages either ! Use methods that don't affect the health of other people ! Do not apply pesticides in the parks or elsewhere in the city of Oakland !
Studies on the USDA website have found residue 174 days after application. Further, pesticides have been proven to vaporize, drift, and cause serious adverse human health effects and are forced on others against their will.

Using RoundUP™ and Garlon™ on city property exposes Oakland residents and visitors unnecessarily to toxic products and increases our risk of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, Sex Hormone Disrupters, Miscarriages.

The Sierra Club Pest Management Policy states ...

"There should be no public exposure through use of pesticides, pesticide residues, or byproducts of pesticides that cause cancer, birth defects, mutations, reproductive effects, or alter the immune system or behavior of nontarget organisms."

We don't want weeds, but we don't want Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, Sex Hormone Disrupters, Miscarriages either !

Use weeding methods that don't affect the health of other people !

Do not apply pesticides in the parks or elsewhere in the city of Oakland!
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